Welcome to my photo blog. The purpose of the blog is to share some of the images I capture as I view the world through the lens of my camera. For a start, I thought I would share with you some Christmas decoration photos I took at Ft. Wilderness Campground in Disney World the week after Christmas. Unfortunately, we did not visit at night, so you can't get the full effect — but the of decorations we saw were amazing. Remember, these were decorated campsites — motor homes and trailers. Ft. Wilderness Campground holds a contest for the best all-around decorated site and most "Disneyfied" site. One camper we spoke with told us that he had been there about ten days, and the motor home across from him was not lived in. Someone parked their coach, decorated it, and then went back home, only coming to visit now and then! To see all of the photos, go to