Sunday was the official opening of a month-long showing of my photography, printed on canvas, at the Northport Tasting Room and Wine Cellar. It is a pretty terrific venue. A sincere thank-you to the Northport Arts Coalition for sponsoring the show, to Kate Kelly for curating, and to Matthew Spirn, proprietor. I also want to thank everyone came to the opening. It was wonderful to see you all, and you made the day special.
If you haven't had a chance to see the show yet, it will be up until October 8, and the Tasting Room is a nice place to relax while sipping a glass of wine and nibbling on some excellent cheese. I also plan to update my website with the images in the show — this week, I hope!
Putting up an art exhibit can be a challenging experience. The Friday before the opening my husband Eddie and stepson Matt worked long and hard hanging the show —
with assistance from my good friend Marie. I could say that they helped me hang my show, but in reality they did all the hard work —
Robby and Molly were the youngest visitor to the show — I think they enjoyed themselves!
Thanks to my friend Pam Waldroup for sending me a few photos from Sunday. I really like her wide angle lens!
Photos show a great hanging day with your helpers setting up your many photographs. So many different subjects from dinghies to bikes. Enjoyed fully, the opening day, bright with sunshine with eager guests meandering on Main Street Northport.
Putting "up" another show ... you can say "up" again!