Sunday was the official opening of a month-long showing of my photography, printed on canvas, at the Northport Tasting Room and Wine Cellar. It is a pretty terrific venue. A sincere thank-you to the Northport Arts Coalition for sponsoring the show, to Kate Kelly for curating, and to Matthew Spirn, proprietor. I also want to thank everyone came to the opening. It was wonderful to see you all, and you made the day special.
If you haven't had a chance to see the show yet, it will be up until October 8, and the Tasting Room is a nice place to relax while sipping a glass of wine and nibbling on some excellent cheese. I also plan to update my website with the images in the show — this week, I hope!
Putting up an art exhibit can be a challenging experience. The Friday before the opening my husband Eddie and stepson Matt worked long and hard hanging the show —
with assistance from my good friend Marie. I could say that they helped me hang my show, but in reality they did all the hard work —
Robby and Molly were the youngest visitor to the show — I think they enjoyed themselves!
Thanks to my friend Pam Waldroup for sending me a few photos from Sunday. I really like her wide angle lens!