Saturday, April 3, 2010

Doggie Parade…

Americans are having a love affair with their dogs, and the dog owning residents of Travelers Rest Resort are no exception. The local kennel club wrapped up their season with a pet parade. Since our block was on the parade route I was front and center with my camera.

Side-note — I have been fortunate to be a beta tester for the soon to be released Photoshop CS5. The new version will be on sale next week, and there are a couple of new features that are really spectacular. I cannot talk about specifics until the official release, but for any of you who use Photoshop, you are really going to like some of the new features.

This first photo is part of a family of eleven dogs that live in with one man in his park model trailer (if you count the leases, he only had ten dogs in the parade). You would think there would be an ordinance against that many dogs in one living space, but the owner used to be the president of the board of directors, so I guess he made the rules!

The next dog was wearing a first place ribbon, but I don't know what for — maybe as a tracker!

These two dogs were all dolled up. I wonder if they have a say in picking their outfits?

Some dogs did not look happy about being in the parade!

Finally, two closeups. Say cheese!