Sunday, June 14, 2009

Someone Else's Peonies…

Last Sunday we were in Connecticuit for a family party at my sister-in-law's. Carol's peonies were in full bloom, and I couldn't resist taking a few photos.

With all the shade at our house, our peonies always bloom late, and as of last week they were just about ready to pop. And then came all the rain. Only a very few of my flowers made it to full bloom. So disappointing!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Worldwide Photo Walk

July 18 is the date of the Second Annual Worldwide Photowalk. The Photowalk is sponsored by Scott Kelby (for anyone who hasn't heard of him, he prolific author of books on Photoshop and photography, founder of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals and Kelby Training, and editor of Photoshop User magazine) and as of today there are 755 walks scheduled with over 10,000 people registered. When I checked the offical website last week, the only walk on Long Island was in Greenport, so I submitted an application to lead a walk in Northport. I was accepted, so the walk is on. All I need now is photo walkers!

For those of you who are wondering what the heck a photo walk is, the official defiinition is:
It’s a social photography event where photographers get together, usually in a downtown area or trendy section of town, to walk around, shoot photos, and generally have fun with other photographers.
Each PhotoWalk is limited to 50 participants, and there will be a website for uploading and sharing photos — with a prize given to the best photograph taken on each walk. There are also corporate sponsors and other prizes!

To find out about, and/or sign-up for the Northport walk, go to If you want me to sign you up, send me an email and I'll add you to the list! The official PhotoWalk website, has lots of information. Be sure to check it out.

That's all for now, Linda

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Many feathered creatures…

It has been a while. I've been avoiding posting, because I haven't had the time to work on fixing the part of the blog that is broken—I hope to get to it soon, and back to making regular posts. Meanwhile, I do have a few photos I really wanted to share. Since the "Expand" link doesn't work, I had to put all of the photos in the main (and only) part of the post.

These shots were taken last Sunday at Heckscher Park in Huntington. Our Long Island resident geese seem to have big families this spring, and the babies in these photos certainly commanded an audience. If they had charged to have their photos taken they would have been very wealthy geese indeed!